The FBI and San Diego County District Attorney’s office are investigating stadium and venue scandals reported by Voice of San Diego. The investigation focused on nonprofit groups that provide workers for concession stands at major venues, allegedly paying people under the table and below minimum wage. The FBI began its investigation after a phantom nonprofit named Chula Vista Fast Pitch was exposed, and the District Attorney’s Workplace Justice Unit is also looking into the matter.
Nonprofit groups like Lov4Jaro, which provide staffing at venues like Chula Vista’s amphitheater and Petco Park, have been accused of misusing their charitable status by paying workers below minimum wage. Paying people off the books and below minimum wage violates laws related to taxes and labor. Voice’s investigation also revealed other supposed nonprofits engaging in similar practices, raising questions about the legality of their operations.
Delaware North and Legends Hospitality, companies that run concessions at Petco Park and Chula Vista’s amphitheater, respectively, have not been contacted by law enforcement regarding the investigations.
The extent of the investigations’ parameters and the implications for the involved nonprofit groups and venues remain uncertain. The revelations have sparked concerns about fair labor practices and the operation of nonprofit organizations supporting major venues in the region.
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