On July 18, 2024, various updates were reported, including Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath kickstarting a statewide plantation drive in Lucknow’s ‘Akbar Nagar’ with a target of planting 36.50 crore saplings on July 20. The Ayodhya airport has seen steady passenger traffic with 12-14 departures daily connecting major cities. Kerala issued a red alert for Wayanad due to heavy rains causing flooding and landslides. In Karnataka, BJP leaders were detained for trying to lay siege to Vidhana Soudha over a corruption scandal. The Union Budget included plans for metro roll-out in more cities. In international news, an Italian journalist was fined for ridiculing PM Giorgia Meloni’s height.
The India News also reported on the verification of 24 Myanmarese immigrants in Manipur, the busting of a drug manufacturing unit in Gujarat, and the deferral of a white paper on law and order in Andhra Pradesh. The Supreme Court ordered the National Testing Agency to publish the NEET-UG result while masking students’ identities. Air India’s A320neo aircraft with new cabin interiors entered service between Delhi and Bengaluru. Additionally, AAP announced its decision to contest the 2024 Haryana Assembly elections independently. This evening briefing also covered a fire in a shopping mall in China that resulted in 16 deaths and the rescue of 75 individuals by firefighters.
For more information on these updates, visit the respective full stories.
Photo credit www.hindustantimes.com