Sawan or Shravan, a festival dedicated to Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati, is set to begin soon in 2024. The festival holds great significance for devotees who observe various rituals and prayers during this auspicious time. It is important for devotees to know the start and end dates of Sawan, along with the history, significance, shubh muhurat, puja vidhi, and samagri associated with the festival.
The Shravan calendar plays a crucial role in determining the dates for Sawan, allowing devotees to plan their prayers and offerings accordingly. The festival holds historical importance, as it is believed to be the time when Lord Shiva drank the poison halahala during the churning of the ocean, saving the world from destruction.
It is essential for devotees to observe the shubh muhurat, or auspicious timings, for performing various rituals and prayers during Sawan. Additionally, knowing the correct puja vidhi, or procedure for worship, and having the necessary samagri, or offerings, is crucial for a successful and fulfilling festival celebration.
As devotees prepare to celebrate Sawan in 2024, they are encouraged to delve deeper into the history and significance of the festival, while also ensuring they are well-prepared with the necessary information and resources to make the most of this auspicious time. Stay tuned for more updates and information on Sawan 2024.
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