Acclaimed actor Mark Ruffalo was recently spotted in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where he graciously took a selfie with a local fan at a deli in Newtown Square. The Oscar nominee is in town filming a new series called “Task,” a follow-up to the successful “Mare of Easttown.” Production has been taking place in Ridley Township, with security guards and production trucks seen around the area. While it remains unknown if Kate Winslet will be reprising her role for the sequel, residents are eager to keep an eye out for any further celebrity sightings. The original “Mare of Easttown” was filmed in Delaware County in 2019, bringing both excitement and attention to the area. Fans are thrilled to see Mark Ruffalo and potentially other stars bringing their talent to the local community once again. Stay tuned for more updates as the filming of “Task” continues, and be sure to keep your eyes open for any more celebrity sightings in Delaware County!
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