The Sussex Conservation District, in collaboration with the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, is hosting a series of free seminars focused on improving water quality through effective stormwater management and best management practices. The sessions will take place at the Carvel Research and Education Center near Georgetown from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
The first seminar, Stormwater 101, will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 18. Jessica Watson, SCD sediment and stormwater program manager, will provide an overview of the stormwater program in Delaware, covering regulations, types of systems, required maintenance, and enhancement options.
On Wednesday, Oct. 9, the topic will be Turfgrass Fertilizer Best Management Practices, presented by John Emerson, UDCE turfgrass extension agent. This session will focus on the new Delaware Livable Lawns fertilizer guidelines and dispel common misconceptions about turfgrass fertilization.
The final seminar on Wednesday, Nov. 20, will cover Enhancement and Funding Opportunities. Blake Moore, UDCE natural resources extension agent, will discuss attracting beneficial insects and enhancing stormwater facilities with native plants. Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Conservation Program staff members will also review funding opportunities for best management practices.
Preregistration is required for these seminars, and Delaware nutrient management credits are pending. For more information and to register, visit These seminars aim to educate communities and property owners on how their actions impact water quality in Sussex County and provide practical solutions for maintaining healthy water systems.
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