Delco: The Movie, a new independent feature film set in Delaware County, has begun filming at popular local spots like Tom Jones Restaurant in Brookhaven. Directed by Chris Pierdomenico, the teen comedy is a love letter to the area and stars Brian O’Halloran from “Clerks” and Brian Anthony Wilson from “The Wire.” The movie is set in 2004 and showcases iconic Delco locations like Wawa, the Media Theater, and Pierdomenico’s alma mater, Sun Valley High School. The director, a journalism and film teacher at Oxford Area High School, hopes to create a Delco cinematic universe with this film. “Delco: The Movie” is expected to be released in late 2024 on a streaming platform. Pierdomenico is already thinking about a potential sequel and is excited to share the story of having a complicated relationship with one’s hometown with viewers. The film features many of his friends and former teachers, adding a personal touch to the project. Despite its local focus, the movie is expected to resonate with audiences outside of Delaware County. With a mix of nostalgia and humor, “Delco: The Movie” aims to celebrate and showcase the unique charm of the area while highlighting the bond between residents and their hometown.
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